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The Back Care Center
Christopher Malinowski, DN, LMT, NC

The Back Care Center offers treatments for people who are in pain or are experiencing numbness, tightness, or loss of motion in any part of their body.

Muscles of back and legs

The Treatment

The treatment offered is called Naprapathy, which is a system of stretching muscles, ligaments and tendons that is both specific and unique. It enhances the movement of the joints by increasing the range of motion and relieves nerve irritation caused by soft tissue injury and contraction.

The Goal

The goal of Naprapathy is to relieve tightness and pain, restore postural balance, and to return ease of movement by increasing the body's flexibility.

The Word "Naprapathy"

The word "Naprapathy" stems from "napravit", a Czechoslovakian term meaning "to correct", and "pathos," the Greek term for "suffering"; thus the word means "to correct or relieve suffering."

The First College of Naprapathy

The first College of Naprapathy was founded in 1907 in Chicago, Illinois. The training consists of four years in the basic sciences and in the art of touch. Another school of Naprapathy is located in Stockholm, Sweden, established in 1970. It is widely accepted in Scandinavia as a mode of treatment in sports medicine.


Naprapathy Has Been Helpful With a Wide Variety of Problems

Naprapathy has been helpful to many people suffering from conditions such as the following: back pain, neck pain, whiplash, headaches, shoulder pain, hand pain, sciatica, knee pain, foot pain, and many other aches and pains. Naprapathy offers aid to any person who needs active or passive movement of their limbs and re-education of their muscles.

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises

Stretching and strengthening exercises are an integral part of the treatment offered. The programs are tailored to the physical needs of the client.

Specific exercises are taught to further the flexibility brought about by the Naprapathic treatment. Clients are thus given the opportunity to gain the freedom of self-reliance in their own care.

Preventative Care

Preventative care is the foremost concern for your health. You do not have to be in pain to come to the Back Care Center. The treatment is aimed at releasing areas of tension and stress and helping you to feel good.

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